Quittaphilla educational wetland preserve (qewP)
The Quittapahilla Educational Wetland Preserve (QEWP) is located on the property of the Lebanon County Career and Technology Center, 833 Metro Drive. The preserve was created to provide schools a site within close proximity to be used to study and explore wetland and riparian habitats. Boardwalks, interpretive signs, picnic tables, bathroom facilities, electricity, and educational resources are available on site. Contact the Conservation District to reserve the site for your next field trip or public meeting.
Thank you to our
2023 day of caring volunteers!
A big thank you to the group from Henise Tire for coming out for the 2023 Day of Caring hosted by United Way. We learned about the Quittapahilla Educational Wetland Preserve (QEWP) and had a great time during the litter clean up.