Rain Barrels
Rain barrels are an easy way to reduce stormwater runoff in your own backyard. LCCD offers two different rain barrel education programs.
Rain Barrel Workshop
Each spring, LCCD hosts a Rain Barrel Workshop for Lebanon County homeowners.
Each registered participant receives a rain barrel for the cost of registration.
Participants learn about the benefits of a rain barrel as a tool to stop stormwater, reduce non-point source pollution, and save money on your water bill.
The 2025 workshop will be held on April 3 from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at the Lebanon Valley Ag Center. There is a $30 registration fee.
To register, call Katie at 717-277-5275 ext. 114.
Rain Barrel Painting Contest
In 2024 LCCD hosted our second Rain Barrel Painting Contest! High school students throughout Lebanon County received a presentation on rain barrels and water quality, then used their artistic talents to paint rain barrels in the theme “Ecology of Pennsylvania.” The barrels were auctioned off at the LCCD Tree & Plant Sale in April. Five schools participated; congratulations to the Palmyra Art Club for taking home the top prize!
Special thanks to Coca-Cola Lehigh Valley Syrup for donating the barrels, and to the Penn State Master Watershed Stewards for converting the drums into rain barrels!
The theme of the 2023 contest was “Adapting to a Changing Climate.” Four schools participated in the inaugural event, with the ELCO FFA club taking home the top prize! View the 2023 barrels below.
Rain Barrel FAQ’s
A rainwater collection system that stores rooftop runoff for later use.
You can water lawns, gardens, flowers, and houseplants. You can also wash cars, windows, outdoor furniture, and more.
NO! Do not use collected water for drinking, cooking, or bathing. It has collected contaminants from your roof and gutters, including chemicals and animal feces, that are not safe for consumption.
If watering edible plants, take care to avoid getting water on the leaves or fruits/vegetables.
Reduce stormwater runoff
Conserve and reuse water
Reduce costs if connected to a municipal water system
Protect natural resources
One inch of rain over one square foot of roof yields 0.623 gallons of water. To calculate how many gallons of water your rain barrel will collect, use the formula below:
Gallons to rain barrel = (Inches of rain) X (Sq. ft. of roof) X (0.623 conversion factor)
Check connections, fittings, and screens to make sure they are clean and working properly.
Empty barrel frequently.
Clean gutters, downspout, screen, and inlet holes to reduce debris.
Rinse out barrel once a year. To clean more thoroughly, use mild soap and a hose.
*Winter maintenance: Drain the barrel and hoses during freezing weather.
A screen on top will prevent adult mosquitoes from getting into the rain barrel; however, larvae can wash in from gutters. Prevent breeding by adding mosquito dunks to the water. Mosquito dunks are safe for plants, pets, and people and can be found at most garden supply stores.
For more info about mosquito prevention, check out our Mosquito-borne Disease Control Program webpage.
LCCD offers two opportunities for homeowners to purchase a rain barrel:
1) Rain barrel workshop in March
2) Silent auction for Rain Barrel Painting Contest barrels during the annual spring Tree & Plant Sale
You can also order a rain barrel from a specialized rain barrel manufacturer, or find one at stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot. Your local Penn State Extension office may sell rain barrels. There are also many resources online that explain how to make your own rain barrel.