Erosion & Sediment Control
Resource Links
Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program
Erosion Control Technicians work to minimize the loss of soil to erosion. We work with contractors, engineers, designers, local municipalities and landowners to assist in the design of Best Management Practices in an attempt to minimize soil loss during construction and to stabilize disturbed areas as quickly as possible.
This is accomplished by administering the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Chapter 102 Erosion Control Program, and the Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater program on the local level.
The most recent Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual (March 2012) is available HERE.
Water runoff from pavement contributes to flooding and large basins are typically constructed to capture such runoff and release it slowly into streams. Pervious pavement is a way to prevent and/or minimize water runoff and eliminate or reduce the size of stormwater basins. Water flows through pervious pavement and percolates into the ground beneath, replenishing the local water table. We encourage you to stop by the Lebanon Valley Agricultural Center to view our pervious pavement parking lot and picnic area. Click here to play a demo video of pervious pavement!
Soil and Water Conservation
Soil and water conservation services are core functions of the Lebanon County Conservation District. We can assist you in developing a conservation plan for your farmland or woodland to meet your land use objectives. Conservation plans are designed free of charge to comply with the Commonwealth’s Erosion Control Law, Chapter 102. Conservation plans should be updated to reflect changes in management goals. Click HERE for additional information about conservation plans.
Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Maintenance Program (DG&LVR)
Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Maintenance Program
Lebanon County has more than 22 miles of unpaved dirt and gravel roads serving rural residents, agriculture, forest product companies and tourism. If not properly maintained, runoff from these roads contribute to sediment pollution in nearby streams and waterways. Sediment pollution depletes oxygen levels and smothers aquatic life. Non-point source pollution, caused by dust and sediment, is responsible for up to 80% of stream and waterway degradation.
Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Road Maintenance Program provides funding to Lebanon County municipalities for implementation of environmentally sound maintenance practices that minimize runoff and sediment pollution in streams and waterways.
BOARD MEETING DATES – Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Roads Maintenance Program’s Quality Assurance Board Meetings
Committee Meetings and Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Roads Maintenance Program’s Quality Assurance Board Meetings will be held 30 minutes prior to Board Meetings on same dates and at same location. Board Meetings will be announced 1-2 weeks prior to being held. You are cordially invited to attend Board Meetings.