Watershed Groups

Watershed associations are often small groups led by volunteers who are knowledgeable, passionate, and excited about restoring their local waterways.

See below for information on our local watershed associations and similar conservation organizations.

Watershed Associations

Click on the logos above to learn more about each group. You can find your watershed address here!

Other Conservation Groups

  • Doc Fritchey Trout Unlimited

    The Dauphin-Lebanon County chapter of the national Trout Unlimited organization, DFTU’s mission is to conserve, protect, and restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.

  • The Lebanon Valley Conservancy

    TLVC works to protect the cultural, historical, and environmental resources of the Lebanon Valley and ensure equitable access to those resources for present and future generations.

  • Lebanon County Clean Water Alliance

    LCCWA is a coalition of government agencies and interested stakeholders providing leadership in the conservation, protection, and enhancement of Lebanon County’s waters.

You can make A difference.

Contact the groups above or volunteer with LCCD to get involved in protecting Lebanon County’s natural resources.


Katie Hollen

Watershed Specialist
717-277-5275 ext. 114
