Mosquito-borne Disease Control Program
Education is a key component of our vector-borne disease control program. Our program holds numerous community events to educate the public on mosquito and tick bite prevention. Our program will also design custom outreach materials for our municipality. If you would like for the coordinator to speak at an event or school or if you would like outreach materials, please contact our office.
Our education table at Lebanon Farmer’s Market.
Our career table at Lebanon Valley College.
There are more than 60 different species of mosquitoes and 20 different species of ticks in Pennsylvania
Click one of the links below to learn more about the species of mosquito or tick of interest:
June 2022: Eastern treehole mosquito
July 2022: Blacklegged/deer tick
August 2022: Asian tiger mosquito
September 2022: Asian longhorned tick
Winter 2022: Woodland snow pool mosquito
June 2023: Black-tailed mosquito
July 2023: American dog tick
August 2023: Elephant mosquito
outreach AND educational materials
Click here to view and download our mosquito prevention brochure in Spanish.